Featured: iOS Apps Crash up to 3 Times More than Android Apps
Everybody, myself included, think iOS is more stable than Android if you have experience of using both. Well where apps are concerned we now know that, from the research in the article above, that Android apps are 30% more stable than iOS.
check out the proof at the link up top. A good read.
I have to apologize for the lack of posts these days but I have already shot some of the reviews. Just doing some editing so been busy. As soon as I am able to put up my video review I will start posting here again. So check back here soon for new posts!
on another note hope you all having a good Chinese New Year!!
So I never really planned to do any game reviews but when I played Battlefield 3, after all the hype, there were some things that were on my mind that i figured I would talk about. So here it is.
Few months ago when the first trailers for this game came out, when we were all playing still fawning over Black Ops, my friend shared the link to me and he was all excited about how the quality of the game doesn't switch when you go from cut scene to actual playing mode. I usually don't care too much about game quality(unless we are talking about THOR). Call of Duty: Black Ops was already a very good game for me, and I don't need Full HD graphics, but I have to admit I was very impressed with this trailer. So few months later the game releases and I could not get it right away. Finally got my hands on it and well, lets just say I was not as impressed as I was by the trailer.
I loved Call of Duty: Black Ops, just because I hate playing FPS games on Xbox 360 mostly because I suck at shooting using the controller. I love FPS games on the PC(incidentally the reason why I think PC's will be hard to replace out of the market) because of the mouse, but Call of Duty bought a game where it was much easier to shoot with the aim assist option but more than that, COD brought a story to the game that I could NOT wait to see the end of. The main reason I kept playing the game was for the story. I said this to many of my friends, this story is movie worthy, and Battlefield just doesn't deliver on the story End. There's this Colonel sitting in a room with two interrogators and I didn't really get what was going on. They would ask something and it would cut into a mission. Maybe I wasn't paying attention but the story never caught my attention.
The game also felt very much like COD but only worse. I would seriously prefer COD over Battlefield at this point. So graphics you say? Well if like me you have a modified Xbox, you can't exactly go online, and to enjoy those top level graphics, the game asks you to download extra HD content of 1.5 GB. You can play without it of course but the gimmick for Battlefield 3 was graphics, and I don't want to waste my time downloading extra stuff when I want to play the game right away. Also my xbox comes with built in memory so I never bought a hard drive so that isn't even an option.
I have read some reviews for the multiplayer section and the reviews are great so if you play the multiplayer, let me know what you think in the comments section. I would love to hear about it.
I am currently working through Modern Warfare 3 so once I am done with that, I will try to write something about that.
Just read this article over on Techno Buffalo and I think its a very interesting take on the state of Android right now. (Picture from the article)
I have been thinking for a while now that if Android manufacturers started releasing smartphones a little slower, they would capture more customers.
You can read the article over HERE. Very interesting read and definitely worth a read!
So its a New Year, one that we could all die in, but thankfully Smartphone and Tablet makers don't believe that so we have a really exciting year to look forward to. Here is my list of things we can look forward to or expect from the year 2012.
1. iPad 3 and iPhone 5
Yes Steve Jobs is gone and a lot of people think Apple will not be as spectacular as they were with him. While that may true that Apple won't be the same, their products will still be, at least for a few years the typical Steve Jobs type products. I personally don't use Apple products but the iPad and iPhone have always set the standard for other products that come after it and I want to see what kind of standard it sets.
The rumor mill has been filled with rumors like a thinner iPad and a battery life of 20 hours. If Apple can really pull of 20 hours of battery life I would be very excited because then some Android manufacturer could mimic that and put it in an Android powered tablet.
And then comes the iPhone 5 which we thought was coming last year but it didn't so now we wait again this year. Rumors are the iPhone design is getting a major overhaul and my have a quad core chip inside. Things that I want to know are whether it feature a bigger display which has become the norm with all the Android handsets these days and whether it will be thinner. The iPhone faces some serious competition from Samsung especially with Samsung's increasingly thinner devices.
2. Quad core tablets and Phones
Nvidia released the Tegra 3 mobile processor Kal El(see promo video below) and all the high end manufacturers like Samsung and HTC are expected to release Quad core phones this coming year. This processor features 4 cores with a fifth one to bring better battery life. These new processors are going to bring some ridiculously good quality of gaming apps to phones and tablets so watch out for that. There already have been rumors of an HTC quad core phone that is in the works which will be released sometimes in Q2 or Q3.
We have already seen the Asus Transformer Prime, the quad core tablet(pictured right) from Asus that is one heck of a beast in terms of specs. Its predecessor, the Transformer was a pretty successful Android tablet and look for this tablet to continue that success for Asus. This is will probably be the first tablet to get the Ice Cream Sandwich too. Unless of course Google releases that rumored 7-inch tablet.
4. Xbox 720 and PS4
I still play Xbox 360 on almost a daily basis so of course I want a new console and Xbox 720 looks to be a very good look forward. Kinect was a market changing product and although we do not have many games to really show for Kinect I think next year will be the year when many new games arrive for the Kinect that will really make it fun for more people.
As much as I wanna say thats
<--------------------- the new Xbox, its not. Its just a concept picture. coolest thing ever tho.
PS4 will also be a much more powerful device but I don't know much about or have much interest in PS4 because there aren't any copy games and I don't like to spend that much money to buy original games. So Microsoft's lack of security FTW!!!!
So that is my list of the things I am looking forward to or things that you can expect this coming year. What are you looking forward to and what are you excited about? Let me know in the comments section below or on my Facebook page!! :)
Hope everybody is having a great New Year!
I realize I have not been updating at all but I have been trying to get the video reviews sorted out. As soon as my video review goes up I will start putting up more posts so just bear with me.